Day #28 Core

  • Plank – Work on holding a plank for a full minute.
  • Hollow-Rock –Work on holding for a full minute.
  • Superman – Lie down on the floor on your stomach. Tighten your core muscles and lift your arms and legs off of the ground. Lift them as high as possible while keeping them straight. Hold for a full minute.

Repeat each of these 10 times.

  • V-Sit – Lie on the ground and slowly raise your body and your legs at the same time until you form a V. This movement should be controlled. You’ll get to a point where you cannot lift your legs anymore because your abs are screaming. Slowly lower from that point. Repeat 5 times.

Assess Your Week: Two more days until you’re done! Congratulations on making it this far. Start thinking about what you can do, and what you want to do, when this challenge is over. Consider what you liked and didn’t like about the challenge.

Also think about how you might reward yourself for completing the challenge. Maybe you buy yourself a new exercise outfit or a new pair of fitness shoes. Or maybe you join a gym, buy a fitness DVD or some new home gym equipment.

You now know that you have it in you to exercise every day and that rest days are still days when you spend some time on your fitness and mobility. That’s a pretty significant realization. You’re capable of so much!