If you find yourself in stress and overwhelm, here are five simple things you can do to immediately break out and get back on track.

Let’s dive in.

#1: Move Your Body

Get your blood flowing with a quick workout or just go outside for a brisk walk.

The point is to move and change your state of being. This works wonders and will always work wonders. Movement of your body moves your mind. Deliberate movement will trigger a different state of being. Do 25 jumping jacks quickly and your body chemistry will change. And so will your mood. Immediately.

#2: Better Nutrition

Fuel your body with better nutrition.

Processed foods high in carbs and fat won’t do you any favors. Think meat and veggies, some fruit and nuts, and minimize processed carbs. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.

#3: Recovery & Sleep

You can’t expect to be your best when your sleep sucks.

Your body recovers and repairs itself when you sleep. Restful sleep is a free performance enhancer. And so many people don’t pay enough attention to it. You get to practice it every night, so get real good at it and it will pay you back tenfold. How? Feeling refreshed and invigorated when you wake up everyday. It’s possible.

#4: Build Your Circle

Who do you hang out with?

Your circle of friends will have an impact on your life, no doubt. Good friends support, encourage, inspire, and love one another. Take a look at your circle of friends. Do you see a positive future with them or do they spread negative energy? Make the choice to build up your circle of friends and be grateful you have them in your life. An amazing friend group can enhance your life.

#5: Feed Your Mind

You’re getting influenced everyday whether you realize it or not.

Take control of your “inputs” so you can get the right “outputs.” Reading positive things and consuming content and information that enriches your life is key. Negativity will leave a mark in you if you constantly consume it. Feed your mind with abundant thoughts and expectations and they will reveal itself in your life, always.

Keep it simple and execute. This is your life. Circle back to these five tips whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed. You’ve got this!