Tag: performance

Quick Anxiety And Stress Tamer Using This Breathing Technique

This powerful breathing technique has been used by everyone from Navy Seals and first responders to nurses and teachers.

Use it the next time you’re feeling tense, anxious, or stressed. It will help you begin to relax from your very first exhale.

BOX BREATHING involves controlling both parts of your breath (breathing in AND out) as well as holding your breath.

It’s called “box” breathing because you do each part of the breath for an equal amount of time (4 counts), as if you are breathing around a square.

  1. To start, sit up straight in a chair, feet flat on the floor.
  2. Inhale through your nose for a 4 count.
  3. Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
  4. Exhale for a 4 count.
  5. Hold your breath again for 4 seconds.
  6. For a full session of box breathing, you simply repeat the cycle for a total of 4-6 times through.

You can adjust and play around with the duration of the counts like 5 to 8 seconds on each phase. I typically do 5-6 seconds on each phase.

This box breathing technique works fast to get you centered and calm. So the next time you find yourself anxious or stressed, do this breath work and immediately experience the benefits.

I taught my daughter this technique as she often got anxious prior to her track meet events. It worked like a charm (still does) and it’ll work for you.