Starting January 9th, 2022, I’m doing a 21-Day Prayer and Fasting with my Church.
For the fasting portion, it can actually be any type of fast – complete fast, selective fast, partial fast, etc.
I’m choosing to do this protein-sparing modified fast (PSMF). It’ll be around 1,000 calories or less daily. The last time I did a “fast” similar to this was during my competitive bodybuilding days.
At 1,000 calories, I am definitely going to supplement and anyone else should too if they’re going to do this.
A one-a-day vitamin isn’t going to cut it (it never does).
I use my Power House Greens supplement which I recommend to everyone athletic as their base supplementation (regardless of diet, even if you’re cutting, bulking, or maintaining). It contains 5 grams of creatine, 11 greens superfoods, and 3 grams of BCAAs.
I’ll also be using Mind Power Preworkout on some days. It helps with appetite control, keeps you focused, kicks in a little energy, mood enhancement, and mental clarity.
For the protein shakes, I’ll be using a whey protein and I’ll actually make my shakes out to about 50-60 grams of protein each. And I’ll have two of these a day. In addition to these shakes, I’ll also be taking desiccated liver tablets. An old school bodybuilding supplement I used back in the day during intense contest prep. (Helps with lean muscle mass.)
I’ll drink water throughout the day and black coffee too. I’ll occasionally put MCT oil or cream and/or sometimes butter in my coffee, but be sure to watch overall calorie intake.
And I’ll have a salad at the end of the day. Mainly for roughage and the need for me to actually crunch on something haha. I’m going to minimize the dressing too.
So my daily routine will look something like this:
- Wake up, drink 20 ounces of water with a pinch of sea salt
- Pray and gratitude, drink coffee
- Work
- Mid-morning protein shake mixed with Power House Greens
- Do more work
- Take Mind Power, then workout
- Salad for dinner
- My second shake will be an hour before bed OR I’ll take it mid-afternoon
Click to Myyndset to get your Power House Greens (strongly recommended if you do this very low-calorie PSMF).
Let me know if you have any questions.
Let’s see what this 21-Days of Prayer and Fasting brings as far as what you’ll experience during this time!