Category: Motivation (Page 1 of 2)

5 Simple Tips That Will Help You WIN Everyday And Keep Stress At Bay

If you find yourself in stress and overwhelm, here are five simple things you can do to immediately break out and get back on track.

Let’s dive in.

#1: Move Your Body

Get your blood flowing with a quick workout or just go outside for a brisk walk.

The point is to move and change your state of being. This works wonders and will always work wonders. Movement of your body moves your mind. Deliberate movement will trigger a different state of being. Do 25 jumping jacks quickly and your body chemistry will change. And so will your mood. Immediately.

#2: Better Nutrition

Fuel your body with better nutrition.

Processed foods high in carbs and fat won’t do you any favors. Think meat and veggies, some fruit and nuts, and minimize processed carbs. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.

#3: Recovery & Sleep

You can’t expect to be your best when your sleep sucks.

Your body recovers and repairs itself when you sleep. Restful sleep is a free performance enhancer. And so many people don’t pay enough attention to it. You get to practice it every night, so get real good at it and it will pay you back tenfold. How? Feeling refreshed and invigorated when you wake up everyday. It’s possible.

#4: Build Your Circle

Who do you hang out with?

Your circle of friends will have an impact on your life, no doubt. Good friends support, encourage, inspire, and love one another. Take a look at your circle of friends. Do you see a positive future with them or do they spread negative energy? Make the choice to build up your circle of friends and be grateful you have them in your life. An amazing friend group can enhance your life.

#5: Feed Your Mind

You’re getting influenced everyday whether you realize it or not.

Take control of your “inputs” so you can get the right “outputs.” Reading positive things and consuming content and information that enriches your life is key. Negativity will leave a mark in you if you constantly consume it. Feed your mind with abundant thoughts and expectations and they will reveal itself in your life, always.

Keep it simple and execute. This is your life. Circle back to these five tips whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed. You’ve got this!

Quick Anxiety And Stress Tamer Using This Breathing Technique

This powerful breathing technique has been used by everyone from Navy Seals and first responders to nurses and teachers.

Use it the next time you’re feeling tense, anxious, or stressed. It will help you begin to relax from your very first exhale.

BOX BREATHING involves controlling both parts of your breath (breathing in AND out) as well as holding your breath.

It’s called “box” breathing because you do each part of the breath for an equal amount of time (4 counts), as if you are breathing around a square.

  1. To start, sit up straight in a chair, feet flat on the floor.
  2. Inhale through your nose for a 4 count.
  3. Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
  4. Exhale for a 4 count.
  5. Hold your breath again for 4 seconds.
  6. For a full session of box breathing, you simply repeat the cycle for a total of 4-6 times through.

You can adjust and play around with the duration of the counts like 5 to 8 seconds on each phase. I typically do 5-6 seconds on each phase.

This box breathing technique works fast to get you centered and calm. So the next time you find yourself anxious or stressed, do this breath work and immediately experience the benefits.

I taught my daughter this technique as she often got anxious prior to her track meet events. It worked like a charm (still does) and it’ll work for you.

40-Day Prosperity Plan

I just completed the 40-Day Prosperity Plan the other day. Wow. So what is it, you ask?

The 40-Day Prosperity Plan is from the book The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price.

It’s a 40-Day plan to manifest abundant prosperity in your life and affairs. The plan has 10 spiritual  affirmations/statements. You are to read one each day, meditate on it for at least 5-15 minutes, and then write about it in a journal. On the second day, you are to read then next affirmation/statement and do the same. Continue through, and then after the tenth day, you’ll repeat this 10-day cycle again and so on until you repeat the cycle four times for a total of 40 days.

This must be done 40 consecutive days or you’ll have to start over.

My approach to this was simple and the results, amazing.

During my meditation each morning, I watched/listened to the corresponding day’s video below while I performed my steel mace 360 swings. I performed a total of 200 swings each time, sometimes breaking it up in sets of 20 reps. I got in a “flow” while doing the swings and watching/listening to the affirmations. I did this until I reached 200 swings each time, which was about 15 minutes.

(Instead of steel mace swings, you can do kettlebell swings, which is what I did on a few of the days. I did a total of 300 swings broken up in sets of 20. The goal is to do a continuous movement where you don’t have to think of any technical skills. You just “do” and get into the flow while watching/listening to the affirmations.)

After that, I took a few minutes to reflect and write down thoughts in my journal, then took my daily morning drink Powerhouse Greens.

This 40-day journey can be quite transforming. Are you ready to prove your discipline, and open up spiritual  abundance and prosperity while getting healthier and more focused?

  1. Order The Abundance Book – It’s a short book with the details and only ~ $7.
  2. Order Powerhouse Greens – This is just part of my morning routine and absolutely energizing when you add this to the plan.
  3. Order a steel mace bell (optional), or use a kettlebell
  4. Commit and move yourself to a higher level. Prove your discipline and reap the rewards.

Do not start this without the book. There are details that offer deeper understanding to all this. My “twist” on this was adding movement during my meditation times while watching/listening to the affirmations.

? Subscribe to my Myyndset Newsletter to receive all my latest stuff and let me know how this goes for you.

Day 1, 11, 21, 31 ⬇️


Day 2, 12, 22, 32 ⬇️


Day 3, 13 ,23, 33 ⬇️


Day 4, 14, 24, 34 ⬇️


Day 5, 15, 25, 35 ⬇️


Day 6, 16, 26, 36 ⬇️


Day 7, 17, 27, 37 ⬇️


Day 8, 18, 28, 38 ⬇️


Day 9, 19, 29, 39 ⬇️


Day 10, 20, 30, 40 ⬇️


#ChubbyBuff ?

This post is for guys over 40…


It might be a term I coined or not, but it sums up what I observe at the gym and just out and about.

You know, it’s a guy who works out, knows what he’s doing, has a solid physique, has developed muscles, but he’s also carrying like 18+%.

Listen, I’m not throwing stones because I’m like that too ?.

He’s buff, but he’s all smooth looking. Looks kinda jacked in clothes, but his belly pokes out further than his chest lol.

You know what I’m talking about.

At one point I’m sure all these dudes were buff and LEAN.

And for many, over the years they slowly put on bodyfat. BUT, their dedication to training remained. OR, at least they’re picking their training back up (it’s the eating that they haven’t dialed in.)

But here’s why I bring up #ChubbyBuff.

First it’s just funny. Again, I’m not casting stones because I’m that dude right now. And now that I say it, you’re going to notice it at your gym too.

But here’s my backstory on it.

I competed in bodybuilding long ago. Like, I stopped competing before many of these Instagram physique influencers were even born (whoa).

So my view or level of being lean is a lot different since I’m looking through a different lens with a different story than most.

BUT,  #ChubbyBuff still remains the same…

An older dude who has good developed muscle, but just carrying too much bodyfat to be lumped into that aesthetically pleasing category ha ha.

Look, there’s no shaming here.  I’m talking to the guys around my age who are looking to break out of the #chubbybuff phase and onto something that you may have a desire for…

Looking better, feeling better, and packaging all that into a lean, healthy, and buff body.

Now for all this to happen, you’ll need a shift in your mindset.

If you just want to get a little better than you are now, then you can stop reading.

Like I said earlier, this message is geared for 40+ year old guys. Why?

Well as you know, dropping bodyfat is a lot harder as you get older. I know. I’m with you. I’ve experienced and am experiencing it.

That saying that you can’t out-train a bad diet… well you can when you’re in your 20s. And in your 30s you can kinda make it work if you’re genetically gifted, but it sets the stage for getting wrecked later.

And in your 40s, forget about it!

The amount of crazy volume you need to do would wreak havoc on your joints.

In our 40s we have to train smarter and structured (if you want to sustain fitness in your 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond).

It has to be part of your identity to BE fit in every way. Health, wealth, and relationships, baby!

When you feel good and look good, it’s easier to “show up” and BE your best in all these aspects.

And again, I’m talking beyond sets and reps, and eating a little better here.

Those of you who can identify with #ChubbyBuff right now, I want to take you over the line with me. Mix it up, get lean, show up, live well.

If you want a transformation, a new identity that not only develops a strong, lean body, but creates an unstoppable force of productivity and impact on others, let’s be friends.

I want you in my circle.


Join me as I start the next coaching round of my Cyclical Ketogenic Dieting program. (Starts February 14, 2022) – Program is open year round, but we occasionally have group starts. You can start any time.

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Have One Goal

Most of us put too much pressure on ourselves.

We have a zillion different projects going at once, with none of them really getting anywhere (I’ve been there).

After making little progress on any one thing, our motivation starts to lag, naturally.

Yet we keep doing this time and time again.

When we see little progress and are working constantly, we exhaust ourselves, body, spirit, and mind.

One of the top ways to get motivated and stay that way is to focus on one goal at a time.

Give it your total focus and appreciate each little step, letting the small victories add up.

Anabolic Add-on Training: Biceps

Men 40+ Years Old: Executive Fitness Coaching Society 4 Men

Don’t Mistake Movement For Achievement

We can all get caught up in the little things. For business owners, we have to break that down even further. Are we doing the things that grow our business and lead to revenue, or are we doing things that can (and should be) delegated or outsourced? Be busy at your skillset, doing the stuff you enjoy doing.

Total Immersion and Podcasts


Can you imagine learning a little something from an expert? Everyday?!

I like listening to podcasts, but it’s just recently that I decided to listen to a podcast (or even a portion of one) every single day during the typical business week.

How else can you glean advice from experts in all sorts of fields so easily?

The majority of podcasts I listen to are business, marketing, success, exercise, nutrition, tech, mind, CrossFit, etc.

I learn, I get motivated, I stay focused, and I learn some more…  All from podcasts that are readily available to me and YOU.

I’ve “learned” from the likes of:
Richard Branson
Seth Godin
Dan Sullivan
Joe Polish
Daymond John
Tim Ferris
And a ton more under-the-radar leaders in their field of expertise.

Some of the particular podcasts I’ve been listening to lately are:
Self Made Man
The Art of Charm
Lewis Howes
Tim Ferris
Dave Asprey
Mastermind Talks
Entrepreneur On Fire

They all have great guests that may not be well known, but are experts in their field.

So in essence, I’m immersing myself in learning everyday. And now I get to execute on the things I learn that can improve my life in all aspects.

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