I just completed the 40-Day Prosperity Plan the other day. Wow. So what is it, you ask?

The 40-Day Prosperity Plan is from the book The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price.

It’s a 40-Day plan to manifest abundant prosperity in your life and affairs. The plan has 10 spiritual  affirmations/statements. You are to read one each day, meditate on it for at least 5-15 minutes, and then write about it in a journal. On the second day, you are to read then next affirmation/statement and do the same. Continue through, and then after the tenth day, you’ll repeat this 10-day cycle again and so on until you repeat the cycle four times for a total of 40 days.

This must be done 40 consecutive days or you’ll have to start over.

My approach to this was simple and the results, amazing.

During my meditation each morning, I watched/listened to the corresponding day’s video below while I performed my steel mace 360 swings. I performed a total of 200 swings each time, sometimes breaking it up in sets of 20 reps. I got in a “flow” while doing the swings and watching/listening to the affirmations. I did this until I reached 200 swings each time, which was about 15 minutes.

(Instead of steel mace swings, you can do kettlebell swings, which is what I did on a few of the days. I did a total of 300 swings broken up in sets of 20. The goal is to do a continuous movement where you don’t have to think of any technical skills. You just “do” and get into the flow while watching/listening to the affirmations.)

After that, I took a few minutes to reflect and write down thoughts in my journal, then took my daily morning drink Powerhouse Greens.

This 40-day journey can be quite transforming. Are you ready to prove your discipline, and open up spiritual  abundance and prosperity while getting healthier and more focused?

  1. Order The Abundance Book – It’s a short book with the details and only ~ $7.
  2. Order Powerhouse Greens – This is just part of my morning routine and absolutely energizing when you add this to the plan.
  3. Order a steel mace bell (optional), or use a kettlebell
  4. Commit and move yourself to a higher level. Prove your discipline and reap the rewards.

Do not start this without the book. There are details that offer deeper understanding to all this. My “twist” on this was adding movement during my meditation times while watching/listening to the affirmations.

? Subscribe to my Myyndset Newsletter to receive all my latest stuff and let me know how this goes for you.

Day 1, 11, 21, 31 ⬇️


Day 2, 12, 22, 32 ⬇️


Day 3, 13 ,23, 33 ⬇️


Day 4, 14, 24, 34 ⬇️


Day 5, 15, 25, 35 ⬇️


Day 6, 16, 26, 36 ⬇️


Day 7, 17, 27, 37 ⬇️


Day 8, 18, 28, 38 ⬇️


Day 9, 19, 29, 39 ⬇️


Day 10, 20, 30, 40 ⬇️